An Incomplete Bibliography: My Favorite Books
Like many, as an avid reader, I have read more
books than I can recall at any one time. Books are wonderful things, and to this day, I treasure each one I have encountered along the way. As much as anything, the books I have read helped shape my intellect and fired my imagination. The books below, all available at, represent a partial list of non-education books I have read and am willing to recommend to others. They're not for everyone and the list obviously omits works by such authors as Shakespeare, Melville, Twain, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Eliot, Joyce, Hemingway, etc. As I recall additional titles, the list will grow, but I make no apologies for this list as it is. As a youth, I read a great deal of science fiction. As I grew older, my reading preferences became more eclectic. The books below are all good; they have interesting plots and characters, compelling storylines, great narrative style, or helpful information. In short, I liked them. You might too. By clicking any of the titles, you will go to a page that has information and reviews about the book. By listing these titles on my
ADPRIMA site, I get a small commission from when someone makes a purchase. So, by all means,
if you are so moved, do so. Now, I have three Kindles, and have taken to reading
exclusively in that format. I will soon have a list of my
recommendations for Kindle.
Bob Kizlik
March 22, 2014
My favorite
writers - click here
My ratings for each are as follows: |**** excellent | *** very good | ** good | * fair |
Science Fiction and Fantasy
Adams, Douglas.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ***
Anderson, Poul.
Tau Zero ****
Asimov, Isaac.
The Caves of Steel ***
Asimov, Isaac.
Forward the Foundation ***
Asimov, Isaac.
Foundation ****
Asimov, Isaac.
Foundation and Empire ***
Asimov, Isaac.
Foundation's Edge ***
Asimov, Isaac.
Second Foundation ***
Asimov, Isaac.
The Gods Themselves ****
Asimov, Isaac.
I, Robot ****
Asimov, Isaac.
The Naked Sun **
Asimov, Isaac.
The Martian Way and Other Stories ***
Asimov, Isaac.
Fantastic Voyage **
Bear, Greg.
Anvil of Stars ****
Bear, Greg.
The Forge of God ****
Bradbury, Ray.
Fahrenheit 451 ***
Bradbury, Ray.
The Illustrated Man ***
Bradbury, Ray.
The Martian Chronicles ***
Clarke, Arthur C.
2001: A Space Odyessy ****
Clarke, Arthur C.
Childhood's End ***
Dick, Philip K.
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said ***
Dick, Philip K.
Ubik **
Farmer, Philip Jose.
To Your Scattered Bodies Go ****
Farmer, Philip Jose.
The Fabulous Riverboat ****
Farmer, Philip Jose.
The Dark Design ****
Farmer, Philip Jose.
The Magic Labyrinth ****
Farmer, Philip Jose.
Gods of Riverworld ***
Heinlein, Robert.
Stranger in a Strange Land ***
Heinlein, Robert.
The Door Into Summer **
Heinlein, Robert.
Glory Road ****
Heinlein, Robert.
Starship Troopers ****
Heinlein, Robert.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress **
Heinlein, Robert
The Puppet Masters ***
Herbert, Frank.
Dune ****
Niven, Larry.
Ringworld ****
Niven, Larry.
Inferno ***
Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle.
Lucifer's Hammer ****
Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle.
The Mote in God's Eye ****
Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle.
Protector ***
Pynchon, Thomas.
Gravity's Rainbow ***
Sagan, Carl.
Contact ***
Simmons, Dan.
Hyperion ****
Simmons, Dan.
Endymion ****
Simmons, Dan.
Ilium ***
Simmons, Dan.
The Fall of Hyperion ****
Sturgeon, Theodore
More Than Human **
Van Vogt, A.E.
Slan ***
Van Vogt, A.E.
The Players of Null-A ***
Vonnegut, Kurt.
Slaughterhouse-Five ***
Zelazny, Roger.
Lord of Light
Biography, History, Historical Novels, and Government
Ambrose, Stephen.
Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest ***
Ambrose, Stephen.
Americans at War ***
Asimov, Isaac.
Asimov's Guide to the Bible: The Old and New Testaments/Two Volumes in One ****
Baigent, Michael, et. al.
Holy Blood, Holy Grail ****
Bierce, Ambrose.
Ambrose Bierce's Civil War ***
Bown, Deni.
Chronicle of America ***
Catton, Bruce.
A Stillness at Appomattox ****
Clancy, Tom.
Into the Storm: A Study in Command **
Clark, Richard.
Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror ****
Costain, Thomas.
The Last Plantagenets ****
De Toqueville, Alexis.
Democracy in America ****
Daws, Gavan.
Prisoners of the Japanese: POWs of World War II in the Pacific ***
Durant, Will and Ariel Durant.
The Lessons of History ***
Farrow, John.
Damien the Leper ***
Ehle, John.
Trail of Tears: the Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation ***
Foote, Shelby.
The Civil War: A Narrative: Fort Sumter to Perryville ***
Foote, Shelby.
The Civil War: A Narrative: Fredericksburg to Meridian ***
Foote, Shelby.
The Civil War: A Narrative Red River to Appomattox ***
Friedman, Milton.
Capitalism and Freedom **
Grant, R.W.
The Incredible Bread Machine ***
Graves, Robert.
I, Claudius ****
Graves, Robert.
The Greek Myths ****
Grun, Bernard.
The Timetables of History ****
Harris, Robert.
Pompeii: A Novel
Jennings, Gary.
Aztec ****
Jennings, Gary.
Journeyer ****
Jones, James.
The Thin Red Line **
Jones, James.
From Here to Eternity ***
Koestler, Arthur.
Darkness at Noon ****
Lewis, David.
The Race to Fashoda: Colonialism and African Resistance **
Longstreet, James.
From Manassas to Appomatox: Memoirs of the Civil War in America ***
Mangold, Tom and John Penycate.
The Tunnels of Cu Chi ***
McCullough, David.
1776 **** (an extraordinary book in every way)
Moore, Harold and Joseph Galloway.
We were Soldiers Once...And Young: Ia Drang--The Battle That Changed The War In Vietnam ****
O'Connor, Frank.
The Big Fellow ***
Pierpont, Claudia
Passionate Minds: Women Rewriting the World **
Porter, Katherine Anne.
Ship of Fools ***
Potter, David.
People of Plenty: Economic Abundance and the American Character ***
Preston, Douglas,The Monster of Florence
Radzinsky, Edvard.
Stalin: the First In-Depth Biography **
Remarque, Erich Maria.
All Quiet on the Western Front ****
Ruark, Robert.
Something of Value ****
Ryan, Cornelius.
A Bridge Too Far ****
Ryan, Cornelius.
The Last Battle ****
Ryan, Cornelius.
The Longest Day: June 6, 1944 ***
Schlesinger, Arthur.
The Age of Jackson ****
Shaara, Michael.
The Killer Angels ****
Swanson, James L.
Manhunt : The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer
Thomas, Evan.
Sea of Thunder: Four Commanders and the Last Great Naval Campaign 1941-1945
Toynbee, Arnold.
A Study of History : Abridgement of Volumes 1-VI
Toynbee, Arnold.
A Study of History : Abridgement of Volumes Vii-X [ABRIDGED] ***
Tuchman, Barbara.
The Guns of August ****
Turner, Fredrick Jackson.
The Frontier in American History **
Tzu, Sun (James Clavell, ed.)
The Art of War ****
Science and Mathematics
Abbott, Edwin.
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions ***
Asimov, Isaac.
Beginnings: The Story of Origins, of Mankind, Life, the Earth, the Universe ***
Gamow, George.One Two Three...Infinity: Facts and Speculations of Science ****
Gleick, James.
Chaos: Making a New Science **
Gould, Stephen Jay.
Leonardo's Mountain of Clams and the Diet of Worms :Essays on Natural History ***
Hawking, Stephen.
A Brief History of Time ***
Hawking, Stephen.
The Universe in a Nutshell ****
Henig, Robin Marantz.
The Monk in the Garden: The Lost and Found Genius of Gregor Mendel
Prantzos, Nikos.
Our Cosmic Future: Humanity's Fate in the Universe ***
Sagan, Carl.
Cosmos ***
Stewart, Ian.
Flatterland: Like Flatland, Only More So ****
Tierney, Patrick.
Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and Journalists Devastated the Amazon ***
General Fiction (Adventure, Mystery, Thriller)
David. Simple Genius
Baldacci, David.
Split Second
Benson, Ann.
The Plague Tales ****
Berry, Steve.
The Templar Legacy
Blatty, William Peter.
The Exorcist
Brown, Dan.
Angels and Demons ****
Brown, Dan.
The Da Vinci Code ****
Burke, James Lee.
Tin Roof Blowdown
**** One of the best writers. Period
Burke, James Lee.
Pegasus Descending
Burke, James Lee.
The Neon Rain
Clancy, Tom.
The Hunt for Red October ****
Clancy, Tom.
Patriot Games ***
Clavell, James.
Shogun ****
Conrad, Joseph.
Heart of Darkness ***
Conrad, Joseph.
Lord Jim ***
Conroy, Pat.
The Prince of Tides ****
Cook, Robin.
Coma ***
Cook, Robin.
Outbreak ***
Crichton, Michael
Prey ****
Crichton, Michael.
Congo ***
Crichton, Michael.
Five Patients: The Hospital Explained ****
Doctorow, E.L.
Ragtime ***
Eco Umberto.
The Name of the Rose ****
Follett, Ken.
Eye of the Needle **
Follett, Ken.
The Key to Rebecca ***
Forsyth, Fredrick.
The Day of the Jackal ***
Forsyth, Fredrick.
The Dogs of War ****
Forsyth, Fredrick.
The Odessa File ****
Harris, Thomas.
Hannibal ****
Harris, Thomas.
Red Dragon ****
Harris, Thomas.
The Silence of the Lambs ***
Heller, Joseph.
Catch 22 ****
Hiassen, Carl
Skin Tight ****
Hiassen, Carl
Tourist Season ****
Higgins, Jack.
The Eagle Has Landed ***
Huxley, Aldous.
Brave New World ****
Kesey, Ken
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest ****
Kesey, Ken.
Sometimes a Great Notion ****
King, Stephen.
Carrie ***
King, Stephen.
Christine ***
King, Stephen.
The Dead Zone ***
King, Stephen.
Firestarter ****
King, Stephen.
It **
King, Stephen.
Pet Sematary **
King, Stephen.
The Stand ****
Kosinski, Jerzy.
Being There ****
Kosinski, Jerzy.
The Painted Bird ***
Lee, Harper.
To Kill a Mockingbird ****
Lewis, Sinclair.
Arrowsmith ****
Ludlum, Robert.
The Bourne Identity **
Ludlum, Robert.
Gemini Contenders ***
Ludlum, Robert.
The Chancellor Manuscript ***
Ludlum, Robert.
The Aquitaine Progression ***
McCullough, Colleen.
The Thorn Birds ***
Neville, Katherine.
The Eight ****
Orwell, George.
Animal Farm ****
Pearce, Don.
Cool Hand Luke ****
Preston, Douglas.
Preston, Douglas.
Preston. Douglas, and Lincoln Child.
Reliquary (Pendergast, Book 2)
Preston, Douglas and Lincoln Child.
Brimstone (Pendergast, Book 5)
Preston, Douglas and Lincoln Child.
Dance of Death (Pendergast, Book 6)
Preston, Douglas and Lincoln Child.
The Book of the Dead (Pendergast, Book 7)
Preston, Douglas and Lincoln Child.
The Cabinet of Curiosities (Pendergast, Book 3
Preston, Douglas and Lincoln Child.
The Wheel of Darkness
Rand, Ayn.
Anthem ***
Rollins, James.
Black Order: A Sigma Novel (Sigma Force Novels)
Rollins, James.
Map of Bones
Rollins, James.
The Judas Strain (Sigma Force Novels)
Rollins, James.The Last Oracle
Salinger, J.D.
The Catcher in the Rye ****
Sheldon, Sidney.
The Naked Face **
Sheldon, Sidney.
The Other Side of Midnight ***
Sinclair, Upton.
The Jungle ***
Steinbeck, John.
Cannery Row ***
Steinbeck, John.
East of Eden ***
Steinbeck, John.
Of Mice and Men ****
Steinbeck, John.
The Grapes of Wrath ****
Wambaugh, Joseph.
The Chiorboys ****
Wambaugh, Joseph.
The Onion Field ***
Psychology/Self Help/Crime/Miscellaneous
Capote, Truman.
In Cold Blood ****
Crier, Catherine and Cole Thompson.
A Deadly Game: The Untold Story of the Scott Peterson Investigation
Edwards, Paul.
Making Money With Your Computer at Home ***
Freeman, Dr. Arthur and Rose DeWolf.
The 10 Dumbest Mistakes Smart People Make ****
Gibran, Kahlil.
The Prophet ****
Hopper, Vincent F. and R.P. Craig.
1001 Pitfalls in English Grammar ***
Hoffer, Eric.
The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements ***
Huff, Darrell.
How to Lie With Statistics ****
Leshan, Lawrence.
How to Meditate: A Guide to Self-Discovery ***
Minsky, Marvin.
The Society of Mind ****
Peter, Laurence J.
The Peter Principle ***
Pirsig, Robert.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values ***
Sacks, Peter.
Generation X Goes to College: An Eye-Opening Account of Teaching in Postmodern America ***
Sheehy, Gail.
Passages **
Stanley, Thomas
The Millionaire Next Door **
Strunk, William and E.B. White.
The Elements of Style **
Williams, Paul B.
Getting a Project Done on Time : Managing People, Time, and Results ***
Books: Kindergarten through Young Adult
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