Instructional Methods Information
Part 1
Dr. Bob Kizlik
Instructional methods and teaching methods mean the same thing.
Teaching strategies, for all practical purposes, means the same thing. Regardless
of what we call such processes, they are primarily descriptions of the learning objective-oriented activities and
flow of information between teachers and students. Although some may argue otherwise, to split hairs over
whether such methods are meaningfully different adds nothing to the process of learning to be a teacher. Direct and indirect instruction are two main categories that many educators find useful for classifying teaching methods, but it is, as you will see, a bit more complicated than placing all instruction into two categories. Any instructional method a teacher uses has advantages, disadvantages, and requires some preliminary preparation.
Often times, a particular teaching method will naturally flow into another, all within the same lesson, and excellent teachers have developed the skills to make the process seamless to the students. Which instructional method is "right" for a particular lesson depends on many things, and among them are the age and developmental level of the students, what the students already know, and what they need to know to succeed with the lesson, the subject-matter content, the objective of the lesson, the available people, time, space and material resources, and the physical setting. Another, more difficult problem is to select an instructional method that best fits one's particular teaching style and the lesson-situation. There is no one "right" method for teaching a particular lesson, but there are some criteria that pertain to each that can help a teacher make the best decision possible. The following teaching or instructional methods relate to the instruction part of the
ADPRIMA Instruction System. The methods are not listed in a preferred sequence, no hierarchy of putative superiority of method is intended, and obviously, not all are appropriate for all grades and subject matter content areas.
Perhaps I should also confess a bias about learning,
regardless of the instructional method employed by the teacher. The
bias is that I firmly believe that the most meaningful learning for
any student is that which results from the learner constructing his
own knowledge and meaning from the subject matter content. This
approach is commonly referred to a constructivism. There is a
wealth of information available on the Internet about
constructivism. Just enter it into Bing or Google to see what I

Cooperative Learning
Helps foster mutual responsibility Supported by research as an effective technique Students learn to be patient, less critical and more compassionate
Some students don't work well this
way Loners find it hard to share answers Aggressive students try to take over Bright students tend to act superior
Decide what skills or knowledge are to be
learned Requires some time to prepare students to learn how to work in groups

Listening Listening exercise that allows creative
thinking for new ideas Encourages full participation because all ideas are equally recorded Draws on group's knowledge and experience Spirit of cooperation is created One idea can spark off other ideas
Can be unfocused Needs to be limited to 5 - 7 minutes Students may have difficulty getting away from known reality If not managed well, criticism and negative evaluation may occur
Value to students depends in part on their maturity
Teacher selects issue Teacher must be ready to intervene when the process is hopelessly bogged down

Direct Teaching
Very specific learning targets
Students are told reasons why content is important - helps to
clarify lesson objective Relatively easy to measure student gains Good for teaching specific facts and basic skills Is a widely accepted instructional method
Can stifle teacher creativity
Requires well-organized content preparation and good oral communication
skills Steps must be followed in prescribed order
May not be effective for higher-order thinking skills, depending on the
knowledge base and skill of the teacher
Content must be organized in advance
Teacher should have information about student prerequisites for the

Advantages Factual material is presented in a direct,
logical manner May provide experiences that inspire - useful for large groups Most efficient way to convey teacher spoken information
Proficient oral skills are necessary Audience is often passive Learning is difficult to determine as the lecture progresses Communication is one-way Not appropriate for children below grade 4
There should be a clear introduction and summary Effectiveness is related to time and scope of content Is always audience specific; often includes examples, anecdotes

Lecture with Discussion
Involves students, at least after the
lecture Students can question, clarify and challenge
Lecture can be interspersed with discussion or breaks as the content and
time permit
Time constraints may affect discussion
opportunities Effectiveness is connected to appropriate questions and discussion; often
requires teacher to "shift gears" quickly
Teacher should be prepared to allow
questions during lecture, as appropriate Teacher should also anticipate difficult questions and prepare appropriate
responses in advance

Multimedia (computer, Internet, CD, DVD, film)
Entertaining way of introducing content and raising issues Internet content easily updated Usually keeps group's attention Cost effective way to obtain and disseminate content May provide opportunities for independent student investigation in a wide range
of topics
Can raise too many issues to have a focused discussion Distractions happen all too easily Students working independently can easily lose focus of lesson topic
Most effective when followed by discussion
Discussion may not have full participation
Teacher must formulate rules and communicate them to students Need to obtain and set up equipment Computing skills required for some applications Most effective when teacher prepares for discussion after the presentation or

Role Playing
Introduces problem situation dramatically Provides opportunity for students to assume roles of others and thus appreciate another point of view Allows for exploration of solutions Provides opportunity to practice skills
Some students may be too self-conscious Not appropriate for large groups Can be time consuming to set up and execute
Teacher has to define problem situation and roles clearly Teacher must give very clear instructions Teacher must have back up activities in case of problems

Advantages Students are usually interested in and challenged by games
Can provide opportunities for team member building skills Feedback is usually easy to provide and is quick When used in direct relationship to a lesson objective, can provide a
stimulating experience for all
Disadvantages Can create in-group/out-group feelings
Can demotivate those who are not competitive by nature Can create feelings of inadequacy in those not as skilled or forceful
Can discourage creativity if the format is very rigid and the focus is strongly
on winning
Preparation Choose relevant games at an appropriate level that can be reasonably
expected to achieve the learning objectives Introduce the game and make the objectives clear
Give clear and thorough directions Create a friendly versus cut-throat mentality; do not put down losers or
allow others to do so Do not take sides or show partiality Keep a handle on things
Click here for Part 2 of Instructional Methods