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S. B. Kizlik, Ed. D.

College of Education
Florida Atlantic University



This is a very detailed lesson plan intended for beginning teachers, and in particular, students enrolled in MAE 4350 at Florida Atlantic University during the Fall Semester 2001.

I. Content

Concept of addition for the first time

II. Instructional Objectives

The students will add two one-digit numbers whose sum is less than ten by applying the definition of addition.

III. Instructional Procedures

A. Beginning Review

-Get the attention of students; remind them of proper procedure behaviors.

-Review the topic of counting

-Call one student to the board to demonstrate counting 4 with the fish display

-Give the following examples of counting number values using a plate and crackers: count 7, clear the plate, count 5.

-Tell the class that we are going to use crackers and plates to do some counting. They are not to eat the crackers until they are given permission. They are not to touch other students' crackers.

-Distribute the plates and crackers.

-Have the class count crackers onto their plates:

"Count 6 (4, 9) crackers onto your plate. (Circulate, assist, and observe correctness.) Clear your plates."

-Discuss any questions.

B. Presentation

-Begin addition through examples

-Have students "Count 4 (2) crackers onto your plate and leave them there.

Now put 2 (5) more crackers onto your plate.

Now count the amount of crackers on your plate."

Ask "How many crackers on the plate?"

Call on one student to answer.

Discuss the process.

Direct: "Clear your plate"

-Definition (informal)

"When we are going to put some groups together and count we

say we are going to ADD them."


"That is what we were doing with the crackers. We had crackers on the plate, then we put some more crackers on the plate. We added groups of crackers. Let’s add some more groups."

-Begin writing the number expressions on the board as they are done

"Count 5 (3) crackers onto your plate and leave them there.

Now add 2 (6) more crackers onto your plate.

Count the number of crackers on your plate."

(Written on the board: 5 add 2 is 7; 3 add 6 is 9.)

-Discuss each answer with the class and how it was obtained; stress putting groups together and counting.

-Steps to stress and write on the board

Step 1, have crackers on the plate;

Step 2, put some more crackers onto the plate; and then

Step 3, count all of the crackers on the plate together.

This is called ADDING.

-Definition (formal)

"Adding is putting groups together and counting."

(Tape the prepared card with the definition written on it under the 3 steps that were just written on the board.)

-Direct the class in choral practice to read each example written on the board.

"5 add 2 is 7. 3 add 6 is 9."

-Repeat the definition of addition and point to it on the board.

-Direct the class to do the following practice problems on their plates while circulating and assisting and writing the problems on the board:

"Clear your plate.

Put 4 (6, 1) crackers on your plate.

Add 5 (1, 3) crackers.

Count the crackers.

(write 4 add 5 is (6 add 1 is , 1 add 3 is) then pause)

How many crackers do you have?"

Call on one student to answer each question.

Discuss any questions.

-Attributes: groups are put together and the answer is usually more than the other numbers

C. Ending Review

-Stress and point to the definition of adding again.

-Choral practice with the last three practice problems written on the board.

-Direct students to use their crackers and plates to complete the seatwork.

(Distribute the pages containing 5 addition problems, circulate, and assist.)

IV. Materials and Equipment

1. Paper plates, white with no designs

2. Goldfish crackers, check for student allergies

3. Card or poster with the definition of adding written on it so it can be posted

4. Board and pens

5. Large goldfish felt display

6. Page 45 from the workbooks for seatwork.

7. Page 46 from the workbooks for homework.

V. Assessment / Evaluation

Student achievement during the class will be measured informally through teacher observation because this is the very first lesson on adding. Student achievement will also be measured on the assigned seatwork, and homework.

VI. Follow-up Activities

-Students will be given page 45 for seatwork and page 46 for homework.

-Tomorrow adding will be continued with inclusion of the plus sign and sums through 12.

VII. Self-Assessment

-Were the students able to follow my directions with little or no confusion?

-Were the definitions concise, precise, and age-level appropriate?

-Did the class achieve at least 88% success on the practice problems?

-What did I do very well?

-What could I have done better?

-How will I do this better next time?


"Anything not understood in more than one way is not understood at all."

A thought-provoking thriller novel I wrote for the Kindle: The Bucci Strain: Imprint

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Robert Kizlik & Associates

Boca Raton, Florida